September 30, 2020

Purchase of steer supports mental health awareness

Harvest Road Group today purchased a purebred Charolais steer for $11,000 – with all proceeds going to the Black Dog Ride in support of awareness of mental health and suicide prevention.

Harvest Road Group is part of Nicola and Andrew Forrest’s Tattarang, one of Australia’s largest private investment groups, which includes Harvey Beef.

The Black Dog Ride began in 2009 as an event to raise awareness of depression, evolving into a national charity involving thousands of Australians who have raised millions of dollars for mental health programs and fostered mental health awareness around the nation.

Mrs Forrest attended an event at Government House in Perth today, hosted by the Honourable Kim Beazley AC Governor of Western Australia and Patron of the Royal Agricultural Society WA, to announce the purchase of the steer, named Winston, which was kindly donated by the Yost family of Toodyay.

“For many years now, we have proudly purchased the Black Dog Charity Steer at auction at the annual Perth Royal Show,” Mrs Forrest said.

“Due to COVID-19, the Show and the auction could not go ahead this year, but we thought it was vital to ensure the Black Dog Ride and this very worthy cause continued to be supported.

“With the anguish of bushfire, drought, and flood, coupled with the fallout of a pandemic, it’s never been more important for Australians to consider and take care of their mental health.

“The Black Dog Ride does wonderful work, particularly in rural communities, to support people through life’s challenges and we are delighted to support a cause so close to our hearts.

“In particular we thank Peter and Judy Milton for their hard work and dedication to this critically important cause.”

The Governor said: “This is a novel idea which helps to raises vital awareness and funds for mental health and the prevention of suicide in our community.

“Starting an open and honest conversation about mental health in any way that we can is always worth doing and important in reducing the stigma that unfortunately still surrounds this subject.

“Peter and Judy’s ‘Winston Project’ has seen 13 steers  – all named after Winston Churchill who was said to be hounded by “the black dog of depression” – visit communities to provide an eye opening opportunity to talk to people about mental illness.

“Their commitment and generosity sets an inspiring example and has seen them raise thousands of dollars for Black Dog, and encourage West Australians to take proactive action for their mental wellness.”

For more information on the Black Dog Ride please visit:

If you or someone you know is experiencing mental health issues, call:

  • Lifeline on 13 11 14
  • Kids Helpline on 1800 551 800
  • MensLine Australia on 1300 789 978
  • Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467