
Leading sustainable aquaculture in Western Australia.

The pristine natural waters of the Western Australian coastline are the perfect location to grow our aquaculture business. We are committed to producing a diverse offering of high quality products for domestic and export markets.

Re-defining sustainability for a flourishing future.

The honour we have for our ocean is at the core of our business and underpins the way we operate. We never settle nor conform to degenerative practices. Instead, we create solutions for better techniques, that fuel a better ecosystem, and a better planet. Through world class research we’re continually exploring ways to re-define best practice so that the taste of our pristine West Australian waters can be consciously enjoyed for generations to come.

Uniquely West Australian.

We produce culinary quality seafood that is truly the result of the pristine, nutrient-rich ocean currents along our coast.

We take great care and responsibility right from the very beginning to ensure we uphold the well-earned reputation of Western Australia, known for its pure, safe and superior standards. Our vertically-integrated model means we actively manage each step of the process to provide an unrivalled ‘sea to serve’ experience.

Local focus, large impact.

Our focus is first and foremost local. Leeuwin Coast is 100% locally produced. We celebrate our people, their expertise, their craft and their ability to strive for better as forward-thinkers.

We will continue to engage with our local community, strengthening relationships, consistently re-investing from the ground up to create employment opportunities, innovate current infrastructure and provide education on new aquaculture practices.

Our farms are designed around regenerative aquaculture and span from Carnarvon to Albany. Our Albany farm will be among the largest oyster regions in Australia and our investment in production capabilities will build an integrated supply chain throughout Western Australia.

Leeuwin Coast

Sustainable seafood that is uniquely West Australian.

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